First days of daycare | Little Beginnings Child care

Tips for parents first days of Child Care or daycare


It is not unusual for children to cry when their parents leave them at preschool for the first few weeks. Settling in time is different for all children. Below are some vital tips to help your child settle into pre-school or daycare life.....

  • Take your child to staff in the morning and say hello
  • Have your child put their bag and belongings in the locker.
  • Take a few minutes to show your child around and for them to choose an activity to play at either indoors or outdoors
  • When your child is playing well, tell them you must leave but you will be back in the afternoon to pick them up
  • Smile (even though you may feel like crying yourself) and confidently give your child a hug and a kiss, say goodbye and leave.
  • If your child becomes upset, take them to a staff member to say goodbye. We will cheer your child up! We will not let them cry all day. Telephone the Centre at anytime to check how your child is doing. Staff will call you if we are unable to settle your child.
  • Make sure you download and register on the Xplor app to get updates to your smart phone.